Steak can be served at different levels of doneness, from rare to well-done. If you enjoy tender meat, medium-rare might be your preference. However, many people hesitate when they see the red liquid in the meat. Is it blood? And is it haram to eat?
The Red Liquid In Your Steak Isn’t Blood, It’s Myoglobin
The red liquid you see isn’t blood; it’s actually a protein called myoglobin found in muscle tissue. The color of myoglobin changes as the steak cooks, so at lower levels of doneness like medium-rare, it’s more visible.
What Does Islam Say About Consuming Blood?
In Islam, consuming blood is forbidden as stated in the Quran:
“He has only forbidden you to eat carrion, blood, swine, and what is slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah.” (Surah Al-Baqarah: 173)
However, this refers to flowing blood during the slaughter, not the small amount that may remain within the meat.
Residual Blood in Meat: Permissible
Islamic scholars like Aisha (RA) and Ikrimah (the student of Ibn Abbas) clarified that the remaining blood in meat is not haram. Imam Qatadah also affirmed that the forbidden blood is the one that flows, while the blood trapped within the meat fibers is allowed.
So, the red liquid in your halal steak is not the forbidden blood; it’s myoglobin, which is halal to eat. As long as the meat comes from an animal that was slaughtered according to Islamic law, it’s perfectly fine to enjoy a steak at any doneness level you prefer.