[:id]Kosmetik Halal Dari Brasil[:en]Halal Cosmetics From Brazil[:]

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[:id]HALALCORNER.ID. Jakarta.Kosmetik Halal kini tidak lagi sedikit dijumpai, tapi mulai menggeliat dan bermunculan satu per satu di Indonesia. Mulai dari produk skin care sampai dekoratif. Begitupula di Brasil, Private Cosmeticos kini memproduksi produk kosmetik yang telah bersertifikat halal sesuai aturan Islam.

Kosmetik Private yang disertifikasi halal oleh Layanan Inspeksi Islam (SIIL Halal) pada Februari 2021 lalu, meliputi produk untuk perawatan rambut dan kulit. CEO Private, Marcio Antonio Espindola, merasa yakin dengan sertifikasi halal produknya akan memberikan kredibilitas bisnis dan ia juga menargetkan untuk mengeskpor produknya terutama ke negara Timur Tengah. Saat ini, produk-produk milik Private telah tersedia di pasar Arab termasuk Arab Saudi, Libya dan Irak.

Selain memproduksi untk merek sendiri, Private Cosmeticos juga menyediakan jasa maklon untuk perusahaan lain yang ingin mempunyai produk kosmetik dengan merek sendiri. Merek yang diusung oleh Private Cosmeticos adalah Vegan Lizz. Beberapa item yang ditawarkan termasuk kondisioner, krim pelurus, masker kulit, sampo dan minyak rambut.


[:en]HALALCORNER.ID. Jakarta. Halal cosmetics are now no longer in short supply but starting to squirm and appear one by one in Indonesia. From skin care products to decorative. Likewise in Brazil, Private Cosmeticos is now producing cosmetic products that have been halal-certified according to Islamic rules.

Private Cosmetics certified halal by the Islamic Inspection Service (SIIL Halal) in February 2021, including hair care and skin care products. Private CEO, Marcio Antonio Espindola, believes that halal certification of his products will give a business credibility and he is also targeting to export his products, especially to Middle Eastern countries. Currently, Private products are available in Arab markets including Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Iraq.

In addition to producing for their own brand, Private Cosmeticos also provides tolling services for other companies who want to have cosmetic products with their own brand. The brand carried by Private Cosmeticos is Vegan Lizz. Some of the items on offer include conditioner, straightening cream, skin mask, shampoo, and hair oil.

Redaction: HC/AM[:]

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